19 FebCVE Construction Update

All photographs taken on February 6th, 2013.

SH-16, the Boise River Bridge looking north at Spans 5, 6, 7 & 8.  The closest span, Span 5 crosses the Boise River low flow channel.

SH-16, the Boise River Bridge looking south from Abutment No. 2 at the north end, looking toward Span 8.

SH-16, the Phyllis Canal Bridge project looking at the west end of the Phyllis Canal Bridge (looking north).

SH-16, the Phyllis Canal Bridge project looking at the south abutment of the Joplin Road bridge structure just north of Phyllis Canal.

SH-16, Phyllis Canal Bridge project looking at both the north and south abutment MSE walls for the Joplin Road structure just north of the Phyllis Canal.